
Connecting Knowledge, Nurturing Futures

BrainWave is an innovative online learning platform dedicated to nurturing the potential of high school and college students. With a mission to empower minds and ignite the flames of curiosity, BrainWave provides a dynamic and engaging environment where learners can connect with relevant courses, discover their passions, and accelerate their educational journeys.
Duration : 
User Research - 3 Weeks
Design - 2 Weeks
Prototype - 2 Weeks
Project Overview
This project aims to revamp the user interface (UI) and improve the user experience (UX) of BrainWave's online platform, which facilitates the connection between students and courses. The previous platform had functional features but lacked an intuitive and visually appealing design. This UI/UX redesign project seeks to enhance usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction.
Key Features
- Personalised knowledge using AI 
- Global Learning Community
- Comprehensive Course Catalog
- Interactive Learning
- Progress Tracking


Tailored learning paths
Diverse course selection
Learn at own pace and schedule
Affordable plans
Anytime, anywhere access

In-Person Tutor

Limited expertise
Personalized instruction
Fixed schedules
High hourly rates
Requires scheduling

Learning Apps

Typically self-paced
Varies, may require fees
One-size-fits-all curriculum
Limited device access
Not fun


Personalised knowledge using Athena's algorithm

Upon sign-up, Athena analyses your learning goals and preferences to create a personalised learning plan just for you. As you progress, Athena dynamically adapts, refining its recommendations to ensure an optimal learning experience tailored to your needs. Experience the future of education with Athena, guiding you towards mastery and success at every step.
