The Shifting Canvas

Design Education

"The Shifting Canvas: Exploring Design's Boundaries" delves into design's core, where education, speculation, and limitations converge. It uncovers the evolution of design learning, blending tradition
with digital innovation. Design schools, now think tanks, shape not just future designers but
the essence of design.
Duration : 
Designing - 3 Weeks
Web development - 3 Weeks
Responsive Design - 1 Weeks
Project Overview
My goal was to leverage skills like HTML5 and CSS3 while working on my first website. I wanted to create a homepage (like a cover), navigation (like a table of contents), individual pages for each text (like chapters), and an introduction (like a colophon). The aim was to ensure the website was responsive, looking good on mobile, desktop, and in print across all the pages.  
Tools Used
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Figma

Choosing the content

The project aimed to utilise CSS and HTML skills to craft a multi-page website showcasing three personally meaningful readings focused on the keyword "Education." I designed intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and cohesive styling across pages, creating a user-friendly platform reflecting my connections to the selected readings.
Silvio Lorusso
What Design Can’t Do Essays on Design and Disillusion
Don Norman
Design Education: Brilliance Without Substance
Benjamin Bratton
On Speculative Design

Sketching in code

The first step in my project was sketching in code—I coded a similar semantic DOM in HTML and created different style sheets for the user interface. This was another way for me to experiment with how I could use my developing skills in the design world.

Developing a system

During development, I used Figma for prototyping, refined design elements, and coded a user-friendly digital book interface with intuitive navigation, smooth transitions, and multimedia integration. Using HTML and CSS, I ensured the site was responsive and functional across devices, refining based on user feedback. The readings were categorized into three sections, each with multiple chapters.
